First Date Advice – What to do on your first date
Choosing something to do on a first date can be very difficult. You and your date do not know each other and this means that you do not know what they do and do not like doing. Ask your date what they would like to do, but if they do not have any suggestions, be decisive and make a suggestion, such as your favourite restaurant. Make sure they understand what type of place it is and make sure it is ok with them. If not, be flexible and perhaps suggest somewhere else or ask them where they would like to go. For some ideas for a first date, see our article on First Date Ideas.
First Date Advice – First date preparation
A little preparation for your first date will go a long way. You should prepare in advance the following for your first date:
- Prepare how you are getting to the location of your first date. If you have never been there before, it might be worth going there a couple of days beforehand so you know how long it will take to get there and the exact location of it. If it is a bar or restaurant maybe go in and check it out so you are familiar with it.
- Prepare what you are going to wear for your first date. Decide what you are going to wear a couple of days in advance and make sure it fits. This will give you time to go and get something else if there is a problem with it. For more advice see ‘What to wear on a first date’.
- Prepare something to talk about on your first date. Always make sure you have something to talk about to fill any awkward gaps in the conversation. For more advice see ‘First Date Conversation’.
- Most importantly, read up on first date safety, our article on Meeting in Person will tell you everything you need to know about staying safe on a first date.
First Date Advice – Top tips for a first date
You want everything to go just right on your first date, so here are some first date top tips, keep them in mind and your first date should go well.
- Be clean, well-groomed and dress appropriately for where you are going. For advice see Style tips for dating.
- Be on time for your date. Being late for any date is not good, but for a first date, it is definitely out of the question. Being late for a first date will show a lack of respect for your date.
- Be decisive about what to do on your date, but remain flexible, if your date does not like your idea, ask them what or where they would prefer.
- Prepare something to talk about. For advice see First Date Conversation.
- Be flirty with your date, but get it right. For advice see Flirting Tips.
- Do not openly argue with your date’s ideas or points of view. If you do not agree with something they are talking about, try and subtly change the topic of conversation.
- Never talk or text on your mobile phone, unless it is to order a taxi or something similar.
- Do not give up on yourself or your date before you have given it a chance. Remember you are both nervous.
- Enjoy yourself.
First Date Resources
Take a look at some of the additional first date advice resources we have available.
- Get the gift of the gab with first date conversation advice.
- Find the perfect place to go with first date ideas.
- Use our top ten first date tips as a quick first date reference.