You might belong to be in a relationship, but there’s no need to act frantic and allow others to see how desperate you actually are. It isn’t a pretty sight, not to mention embarrassing at times. It can be hard and frustrating waiting to meet that special person, but being desperate could be the reason why you’re single. Here are nine ways to avoid looking desperate when single.
Don’t get drunk
Drinking too much could result in you throwing yourself at people, anyone who glances at you. All you will achieve is making a fool of yourself and very likely not meet a potential date. Slurring your words and falling onto people aren’t attractive features at all. Although a little alcohol may give you the confidence to approach someone, know your limits and don’t overdo the drinking.
Stop moaning
Constantly moaning about being single won’t help you get a partner. There’s no harm in having a little whinge about it to close friends or family, it’s perfectly normal, and needed. However, moaning to everyone you talk to about being single will only make you appear negative and desperate. Having a negative attitude will give off negative vibes, which certainly won’t attract a potential partner.
Don’t joke about yourself
Making fun of yourself about being single might be your way of coping with the situation, but it’s really just a sign of how insecure you are. You might feel you have to joke about it first before others get the opportunity. No one is judging you about being single except yourself and by joking about it you’re constantly broadcasting the fact that you’re single and making it an issue.
Have a life
Don’t make your life all about finding someone to date. It might be your top priority at the moment, and that’s fine, but don’t let it rule your life. Spend time with your friends, go to the cinema, join a club; keep yourself occupied so you don’t have spare time on your hands to overthink your love life and feel even more desperate to meet someone as soon as possible. With a fun and busy life, you’ll give off a positive vibe, which is an attractive feature to others.
Don’t throw yourself at everyone
Don’t make your life all about finding someone to date. It might be your top priority at the moment, and that’s fine, but don’t let it rule your life. Spend time with your friends, go to the cinema, join a club; keep yourself occupied so you don’t have spare time on your hands to overthink your love life and feel even more desperate to meet someone as soon as possible. With a fun and busy life, you’ll give off a positive vibe, which is an attractive feature to others.
Don’t throw yourself at everyone
If you’re out in a bar or club, don’t try it on with everyone you meet. This will certainly show you’re desperate and not fussy whom you latch on to. Apart from making a fool of yourself, your actions will leave you with feelings of regret and humiliation.
Know when to walk away
If you’re out and happen to meet someone, a potential date, and end up having a conversation, it’s important to know when to walk away, leaving them interested and wanting to chat to you more. You want to leave when things are going well; otherwise, you risk telling them your entire life history. It depends on your location, for example, if you’re at a party or a bar, you can casually approach them again a little while later and continue your discussion. By walking away after the first chat, you’re showing that your whole evening isn’t about meeting them and by going back to continue your conversation shows you have confidence. If you make the mistake of clinging to them the whole evening, you could appear desperate.
Don’t be jealous if your friends have a love life
As hard as it may be, try not to be jealous if your friends are happily coupled up and like to discuss their relationships with you. Instead, keep your friendships alive; if you act jealous out of desperation, you’ll only succeed in pushing your friends away.
Avoid social network stalking
As tempting as it may be, stalking someone you like on sites such as Facebook are desperate measures. Wanting to know all about someone you’re interested in is understandable, but you might end up finding out things about him or her, such as they’re dating someone else, which will make you feel even worse.
Never make fun of a friend to impress
If you’re out with friends and come across a potential date, never try to impress them by embarrassing one of your friends. It may seem like a good idea at the time, but this act of desperation will only leave you feeling guilty for humiliating your friend plus it could cause rifts with your friends. You’d also be taking a risk.
Don’t pressurise yourself
Don’t put pressure on yourself to find someone to date. Enjoy yourself while you’re single and see it as you’re ‘taking a break from dating’ for a while. Also, don’t believe you must meet a potential date every time you have a night out with your friends; learn to relax and have fun with your friends and if you happen to meet someone, then that’s a bonus.